Kick-off post
Over the past year I have thought about and even attempted to start a blog. The original blog was supposed to be a place where I would capture different experiences I had while traveling internationally for work. While this blog will have some of that, one mistake I made with the previous attempt was I tried to make it text heavy. People who know me also know that would not have lasted for long lol.More of a visual person you know :D
So idea with this blog is to a) to make it more media heavy and b) more light hearted. Share pictures, videos and moments I have captured during my day to day life be it at home or 7000 miles away (mostly in China ;) )
I was in China recently and I started sharing pictures I had taken on that trip with a close group of family and friends via WhatsApp and they suggested I should start a twitter account or another medium to share these. Being in the domain name world I thought it best to at least attempt having my own site :D
Hope you get a few laughs out of my posts.